Deep gaping wounds will need to be cleaned out well and sutured. We can repair lacerations in the office. If the accident is after office hours, go to East Tennessee Children’s Hospital for sutures.

Sutures should be kept clean. Do not soak sutures under water, but getting them wet will not hurt if dried soon and antibacterial ointment is applied. Keep neosporin or bacitracin ointment on the cut twice per day to keep the scab from becoming too dry. Stitches should be removed after 5 days on the face, and after 7-10 days on the rest of the body. Call the office if any sign of infection develops.

Minor scrapes can be cleaned with soap and water and dressed with neosporin and a Band-Aid. If you are unsure whether a cut will need stitches, let us look at it to avoid a more obvious scar. You will need to know the year of your last tetanus shot with any significant cut. A booster shot will be given if it has been more than 5 years since the last dose.