Due to the numerous benefits for both mother and infant, we strongly encourage breastfeeding if it is at all possible. Please be patient with your
baby in the first 3-4 days of life. Most newborns are not particularly hungry during this time. Infants are well nourished at birth from the placenta, so they have some fat stored to allow calories during these sleepy days- particularly if the infant was a large baby at birth. Later, as the child gets hungry, it will latch and nurse more aggressively.

The best position to nurse your infant is one in which you can relax and be comfortable. A less stimulating environment for the infant also allows the baby to concentrate on the job at hand. The length of time an infant nurses on each breast is primarily dependent on how vigorous the nursing is. Some infants can extract a great deal of milk in a short time, while others prefer to nurse more slowly.

It is also very important for new mothers to take good care of their nutritional needs while nursing. Drink plenty of fluids, use caffeine and nicotine in moderation (or not at all), and continue your prenatal vitamins. You should try to enjoy a well-rounded diet. Although it is not a common problem, sometimes nursing mothers will notice that certain foods seem to create digestive disturbances for infants. It is best to maintain a normal diet unless a particular food seems to be creating difficulties.

If you have any questions regarding breastfeeding, please feel free to contact us at the office. We would much rather take the time to solve problems early rather than letting them eventually become big problems that interfere with a natural and comfortable nursing routine.